

This product deals with Derivatives, which is a fundamental tool of Calculus. For example, the derivative of the position of a moving object with respect to time is the object’s velocity: this measures how quickly the position of the object changes (price ‘y’) when time advances (time ‘x’).

The objective of this Calculus product is purely recommendation of Futures & Options (F&O) ideas; hence it is relevant for Traders / Speculators. We work at maintaining a risk to reward of at least 1:2 ratio but the nature of F&O segment makes this product a high-risk category. We encourage our clients to ‘be strict, disciplined, and patient’ for this particular product.

The subscribers of this product, gets ‘Calculus – Daily Scanner’ newsletter on a daily basis. This newsletter provides Nifty, Bank Nifty, and Nifty IT daily ‘Pivotal Trend Analysis’ and provided MTM calculations of the open F&O positions.

Why Calculus is best suited ?

F&O Ideas

Traders &
Speculators Specific

high investment

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